Sunday, July 3, 2011

Good health: the key to success in exams

When exams approach, students’ anxiety also increases, nervousness levels raise and students suffer from stress and mental disorders. Most of us are aware that the fundamental rule for ajoyous life is to have a healthy body and mind.
For getting a healthy body, we need to practice healthy living and eat nutritious food. Special care of the body is required especially during exams, when students have a lot of work load and do their last minute study which leaves them no time to take care of themselves.
There are two kinds of people, one, who overeat and two, those who eat very little. When people eat more, they lose energy from their bodies while studying and hence feel hungry with a willingness to eat more.
“In such cases, I advise students to eat a lot of fruits and fresh leafy vegetables, also because of the weather, they need to drink a lot of water and fresh fruit juices to keep themselves hydrated at all time.” says Farah Mohammed, a nurse and nutritionist at the SQU hospital. 
Furthermore, time management is very essential for our life. However, practicing time management is not an easy task, it some with a lot of patience and the ability to make good decisions at the right time. From my experience, I advise everyone to begin by taking slow steps with easier to the more complex ones. Then I am sure there will be a gradual shift in people’s lifestyles.
In addition, take out some time for your body from your busy schedule, do some fine exercises like some playing sports or doing some breathing exercises. Breathing exercises improve concentration levels. Relaxation will help calm body’s nervous disorders which result from anxiety. The aim from breathing activities is to calm down the students’ mental distraction from worries, stress and absentmindedness.
As students, we all first need to take good care about our bodies and then focus on attempting to get good marks.

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